Olivia Paige Marsh

  • Location:
  • Manchester, London
  • Height:
  • 5'3
  • Playing age:
  • 16-23
  • Appearance:
  • White
  • Nationality:
  • British
  • Other:
  • No License Required
  • Eye Colour:
  • Blue
  • Hair Colour:
  • Light Brown
  • Hair Length:
  • Long
  • Native Accent:
  • Northern, Manchester

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Fri Sep 6, 2024

All Creatures Great & Small

We're delighted to announce that Caroline Chesworth and Olivia Paige Marsh will be joining the cast of All Creatures Great & Small in its fifth series. The series will begin on Channel 5 and My5 on Thursday 19th September at 9pm.